Find Out About the Fat Transfer Miami Has Heard About
Lose and Gain with Fat Transfer
Sometimes, a patient needs fat in some places, and doesn’t need it in others. That is why Dr. Blinski offers Fat Transfer, or Fat Grafting as it is also known, to Miami patients. Fat Transfer can be combined with a face lift or breast augmentation, or can be performed as a stand alone procedure.
Unlike many doctors who perform cosmetic procedures life Fat Transfer, Dr. Blinski is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. Therefore, he has a comprehensive understanding of every nuance of cosmetic procedures. Some doctors performing cosmetic procedures like Fat Transfers are only General Practioners whose education on that single procedure came from a weekend seminar. Who would you rather have perform your Fat Transfer procedure, a General Practioner, or a surgeon with certification credentials and a comprehensive education?
As a widely recognized expert on several cosmetic procedures, and a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Blinski’s training and experience also grants him a in depth understanding of every aspect of other cosmetic procedures like Breast Lift, Arm Lift, or Tummy Tuck.
And because he is a plastic surgeon, Dr. Blinski is also trained and experienced in a other types of cosmetic surgeries, such as Rhinoplasty or Breast Augmentation. Regardless of your situation, you rely with confidence that Dr. Blinski will choose the procedure best for you.
What Is Fat Transfer?
Fat transfer is a that where the patient`s fat tissue is extracted from one location and injected into another. This is usually to increase the volume of fat in areas that will contour better with more fat. The procedure has been used both after breast cancer surgery and for breast augmentation. Since it is minimally invasive, it is used as an alternative to breast implants.
How Is Fat Transfer Performed?
First, various liposuction techniques are used to remove fat from one area of the body, usually the thighs, the stomach, or directly above the butt. The fat removed from these areas is then meticulously processed and purified. Only a small fraction of the fat removed will ultimately qualify for injection into the new areas. Dr. Blinski then injects small amounts of this purified fat back into treatment areas of the patient at various depths, ensuring that the patient will have the highest permanent fat absorption rate possible. Because of this, the actual procedure can involve hundreds of fat injections.
What Happens After Surgery?
Patients should try not to touch, move, or massage the treated area for a few days after the procedure. Patients shouldn’t wear cosmetics until at least the day after. Some patients will experience mild to moderate bruising, although swelling may be moderate to severe. Most swelling will last between 24 to 72 hours, and should be completely gone in between 2 to 4 weeks.